Photo Name Dated Description Amount
COPEPORT 23/08/2018 07:34 support this project and another one € 5,000
GRAIN DE SABLE 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 300
Le Marché de Lalie 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 500
Gérard LEPETIT 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 20
Geof HAYWOOD 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 50
PIERCAN SAS 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 500
simone renouf 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 50
Anonymous backer 23/08/2018 07:33 Opted to remain incognito € 12
catherine clemenceau 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 100
Geneviève CHAPURLAT 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 100
Photo Name Dated Description Amount
COPEPORT 23/08/2018 07:34 support this project and another one € 5,000
GRAIN DE SABLE 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 300
Le Marché de Lalie 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 500
Gérard LEPETIT 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 20
Geof HAYWOOD 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 50
PIERCAN SAS 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 500
simone renouf 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 50
Anonymous backer 23/08/2018 07:33 Opted to remain incognito € 12
catherine clemenceau 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 100
Geneviève CHAPURLAT 23/08/2018 07:33 back only this project € 100